Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chapter 1

I have no clue what the heck to write on here.

So, I mean I guess if I am writing on my interpersonal communication, I could go on for days. I talk with my boyfriend every day, my roommate, my podmates, my dancers, sometimes my family. What am I supposed to say about it?

Well, I guess this could be found interesting...My cell phone broke the other day =o( Deeply hampering my interpersonal communication abilities with anyone not at Bethany. i.e. Mom, Dad, Gabe... I guess it isn't too bad, I'll get another in the mail Tuesday or Wednesday. Also, we have other methods of communication. These days you can call a phone through your computer, or speak to someone through a mic on each computer. Email. Facebook. Myspace. MSN. There is like a million ways around it. I guess it is kind of funny that I am writing about my interpersonal communication which is currently based around a computer. hah. It is hard though sometimes...being away from eachother (Gabe and I), we get all these mixed signals of trying to read a text and understand the emotion behind it and how it was meant. That gets a little crazy sometimes. Actually, he just thought that I got mad because he said I sounded like I sound when I get mad. Sounds cooky, but I mean he knows what I sound like when I'm mad, but I wasn't.

This seems kind of silly, typing my thoughts out for others to read...Guess I'll try again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. At least one other is now following.

    Your thoughts on mediated interpersonal communication are precisely the kind of thing that you want to blog about.

    of course, you don't have to stop on just this one issue. You've also got the idea that communication is a system of signals, not just one set - but multiple - paralinguistic, facial management, etc. Good start. Interesting thoughts.
