Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I haven't blogged in quite a while so I am thinking an update is much needed.

Spring Break was awesome!!!!

I went home with Gabe for the entire thing and I loved every second of it! Really it was just he and I hanging out, working a little bit, doing some homework, and we got to go to KU med for his "open house". It was really a wonderful break and I wouldn't have changed one thing about it! I also learned how to chrochet from Gabe's Mom and Grandma. I am in the process of making a blanket but right now it really just looks like a scarf =o)

Meh then I got sick! The sunday that we were going to leave to come back I started feeling really poopy. We ended up leaving Monday because, quite honestly, niether of us was ready to get back to the way it is but I didn't have class until 11 anyway. But, I just sneezed a lot, my throat hurt really bad and I kept getting sick to my tummy, like queezy...I guess I am almost healed up now Thanks to my Nurse and future Dr. Gabe. And the only thing that is still bothering me is my nose...partly because it is sore from all the rubbing with tissues. =o/

hmmm...then this week has been crazy and isn't slowing down at all! I have so much to do for SAB, wanna see? well it popped up at the top, i was thinking it would be down here, but you can see it. That is a swedestock postcard we are trying to get made and w/e and I have spent ridiculous amounts of time perfecting...and it still isnt right....
BUUUT, Next week Gabe is going to come down and get me and thursday we will go back to Hiawatha and I will get to have my first Harter Easter!! I am excited to go back, when we are there it is like being in a whole other planet where I don't worry about anything!
Wellllll, I guess that is probably all the updating I have to give!

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