Monday, February 23, 2009


So, my dad calls me today, which is strange in itself because even though we have a good relationship we just don't make the time to call each other that often. So he calls right, and he says he wants my uninhibited, disrespectful, truthful response to some problem because I know both parties involved. So the story goes a little something like this:

My brother, Odie, is 17, a Junior in High School at a really conservative private school. Now, this school will kick you out for any infraction of the law...if they find out about it. SO hopefully they don't read their student's sibling's blogs. BUT Odie got a MIC last summer for refusing a breathalizer. This was the first time that my parents had heard anything about Odie and drinking...he is kind of our prodigy child...Well, he was the youngest when my parents got a divorce so I guess in some ways he kind of got screwed but also in some ways he got some advantages.
My parents are like the most dysfunctional people in the world, and they are even worse together. So when it comes to parenting, they kind of suck sometimes. Well, Mom says Odie is drinking again, and Dad thinks he is still supposed to take some sort of responsibility for what happens at mom's because she doesn't. However, it all means nothing when it comes from one person and isn't inforced by the one who is actually there.. crazies.
So dad wants my advice on how "the talk" should go. lol, My Dad asking ME how his talk with His Son should go? Is something wrong with that or is that just me? Well, I'm sure my bro likes it because I love him so I always stand up for him, even when I know he is in the wrong because Odie and I can have the same convo my dad would attempt and Odie would listen to me better because we have a better relationship. So, I give my dad the advice I have in my young, immature, know-nothinng-about-parenting brain and hope for the best. I guess I will find out from my brother how that talk went later...

Can you get a picture of my relationship map already?? everyone in my family is going to be a blob because they are all a mess! =o)


  1. What your family is is what your family is.

    I got the relationship map, but haven't had a chance to review things.

    Prodigy is someone who is good at something - usually at an early age. Prodigal is the son who is wayward - a spend thrift. You might want to edit the post.

  2. No no no, i definitely meant prodigy...he is, that is why they are freaking out about him drinking.
    He is super smart and really athletic and my sister and I are not over achievers in either of those aspects.
